Welcome! We are the Oxford Tea Appreciation Society. We hold weekly sessions, in which you can try new teas and learn more about all things tea-related. Whether you're a long time tea enthusiast or just beginning to discover the wonders of tea, we do hope you'll come along.

About Us

The Oxford Tea Appreciation Society was founded with the aim of supporting and developing tea-drinking and all related pursuits within the University of Oxford. In our themed sessions, you'll have the opportunity to try new teas and meet other students who appreciate a good cuppa!

Sessions are held every Sunday during term-time from 14:00 to 16:00, with sessions this term being held in the Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre, Worcester College.

Oxford Tea Appreciation Society events are open to all, with a termly charge of £4 for two hours of tea, cake, and excellent company each week.

For those ardent tea appreciators amongst you, you can purchase a yearly membership at the great rate of £8 for the whole year. Membership can be bought with either cash or bank transfer- simply ask a Committea member at a session or fill up the Membership Form here: https://forms.gle/hM7CESD2oc1Uzvt98!
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